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a free 5 day challenge for busy mums

Starts June 17th

You feel guilty when you take time out for yourself and you feel resentful when you don’t.


You believe you SHOULD do more exercise but can’t muster up the energy.


You believe that you simply don’t have the time to look after yourself better.


But I say BULLS**T


If you are ready to stop putting everyone else first and start doing something for you for a change, then click the button below to sign up for this free TIME FOR YOU challenge

or scroll on down to find out more.


How does it work?​


It's super simple. I'll email you a timetable and a 15 minute workout for you to do each day.


The workouts are core safe (pelvic floor worries? Diastasis or achey back? No problem) and suitable for all levels of fitness.


You'll stay accountable through the private FB group PLUS you'll receive daily Motivation Mindset tips from me via FB live. 


Remember that YOU and only YOU are responsible for your health and happiness.



15 minutes, that's just over 1% of your day dedicated solely to you!


No more mummy martyrdom, during this 5 days I'll help you to take a deep look at your priorities and start doing things differently, for the benefit of you AND your family!


You have to start making Time For You mama. If not now then when?


If this sounds fun but a little bit scary, you’re in the right place.


If this feels ‘right’ yet you still don’t even know where to start, you’re in the right place.


Simply sign up below for the TIME FOR YOU challenge.

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